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景点攻略:纽约帝国大厦(Empire State Building)

2016-09-28 10:14 美国旅游OverCtrip 阅读 0
帝国大厦(EmpireState Building)

前往理由(Reason togo)




4. 它是电影拍摄热门的取景地,如《西雅图夜未眠》(Sleepless inSeattle)中男女主角的定情之所,电影《金刚》(KingKong)里巨大的猩猩向世人宣布它对金发女郎不渝爱情的地方,还有《北京遇上西雅图》里文佳佳与Frank最后重逢的地方。


帝国大厦Empire StateBuilding),是位于美国纽约纽约市曼哈顿第五大道350号、西33街与西34街之间的一栋著名摩天大楼,名称源于纽约州的暱称──帝国州,故其英文名称原意为纽约州大厦或者帝国州大厦。楼高381米、103层,于1951年增添的天线高62米,提高其总高度至443米,由Shreeve,Lamb, andHarmon建筑公司设计,为装饰艺术风格建筑,大楼于1930年动工,于1931年落成,建造过程仅410日,是世界上罕见的建造速度纪录。193151日,帝国大厦正式落成,美国总统赫伯特•胡佛在首都华盛顿特区亲自按下电钮,点亮大厦灯光。


·        帝国大厦里购买门票往往需要漫长的等待,建议先可以在网上购买,然后打印出来,能节省不少时间。

·        建议带上外套,即使在夏天,楼顶的温度与地面温度相差较大,风也更大

·        进入帝国大厦需要进行安检,不可以携带水瓶、望远镜、三脚架、行李箱等物品入内

·        黄昏时分可以从看日景到赏日落,以及纽约市华灯初上的美景。

·        帝国大厦一年四季变幻的彩色灯光。圣诞节,新年和美国独立日所打灯光皆不相同,每逢中国春节期间的夜晚帝国大厦也会亮起具有中国特色的红和黄的灯光,美轮美奂。帝国大厦灯塔时间表:http://www.esbnyc.com/current_events_tower_lights.asp

·        跟团、公共交通或自驾前往(由于曼哈顿区内交通拥挤,不建议自驾前往)





帝国大厦地址:350 5th Ave(between 33rd & 34thAvenues), New York, NY 10118

1.  跟团旅游巴士,通常纽约市一日游 会包含该景点,游览时间约为50-60分钟,但只可抵达86楼。

2. 公共交通:乘坐地铁BDFMNQR线34th-Herald下车,或乘坐6线在33thStreet下车

3. 自驾游:由于纽约曼哈顿交通及停车不方便,不建议自驾游,可选择跟团或公共交通

纽约帝国大厦(Empire State Building)Q &A

A1. 帝国大厦Empire StateBuilding),是位于美国纽约纽约市曼哈顿第五大道350号、西33街与西34街之间的一栋著名摩天大楼,名称源于纽约州的暱称──帝国州,故其英文名称原意为纽约州大厦或者帝国州大厦。楼高381米、103层,于1951年增添的天线高62米,提高其总高度至443米,由Shreeve,Lamb, andHarmon建筑公司设计,为装饰艺术风格建筑,大楼于1930年动工,于1931年落成,建造过程仅410日,是世界上罕见的建造速度纪录。193151日,帝国大厦正式落成,美国总统赫伯特•胡佛在首都华盛顿特区亲自按下电钮,点亮大厦灯光。

A2. ​The Empire State Building is a 102-story skyscraper located inMidtown Manhattan, New York City, on Fifth Avenue between West 33rdand 34th Streets. It has a roof height of 1,250 feet (381 m), andwith its antenna spire included, it stands a total of 1,454 feet(443 m) high. Its name is derived from the nickname for New York,the Empire State. It stood as the world's tallest building fornearly 40 years, from its completion in early 1931 until thetopping out of the original World Trade Center's North Tower inlate 1970. Following the September 11 attacks in 2001, the EmpireState Building was again the tallest building in New York, untilOne World Trade Center reached a greater height in April 2012. TheEmpire State Building is currently the fifth-tallest completedskyscraper in the United States and the 29th-tallest in the world.It is also the fifth-tallest freestanding structure in theAmericas. When measured by pinnacle height, it is thefourth-tallest building in the United States.

The Empire State Building is an American cultural icon. It isdesigned in the distinctive Art Deco style and has been named asone of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World by the AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers. The building and its street floorinterior are designated landmarks of the New York City LandmarksPreservation Commission, and confirmed by the New York City Boardof Estimate. It was designated as a National Historic Landmark in1986. In 2007, it was ranked number one on the AIA's List ofAmerica's Favorite Architecture.The building is owned by the EmpireState Realty Trust, of which Anthony Malkin serves as Chairman, CEOand President. In 2010, the Empire State Building underwent a $550million renovation, with $120 million spent to transform thebuilding into a more energy efficient and eco-friendly structure.The Empire State Building is the tallest Leadership in Energy andEnvironmental Design (LEED)-certified building in the UnitedStates, having received a gold LEED rating in September 2011.

A3. 美国帝国大厦曾出现在以下电影:
-King Kong (1933)​
-Love Affair (1939)​
-Sleepless in Seattle (1993)​
-West Side Story (1961)
-The Divide (2011)
-Enchanted (2007)
-The 5th Wave
-Superman II (1980)
-Independence Day (1996)
​​​​​-Knowing (2009)
-West Side Story (1961)​
-Step Up 3D (2010)
-The Other Guys (2010)
-Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)
​​-The Time Machine (2002)
-Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief(2010)

A4. 帝国大厦位于纽约市​(350 5th Ave(between 33rd & 34th Avenues), NewYork, NY 10118)

A5. 纽约帝国大厦有103层​


